środa, 5 października 2022

The Museum of Silesian Uprisings in Świętochłowice

 The Museum of Silesian Uprisings in Świętochłowice was opened on October 17, 2014. The rooms are inspired by their style to the places where the fate of Upper Silesia dated. After World War I, Silesia remained outside the borders of the Republic of Poland. The Silesian Uprisings in Upper Silesia were a series of three uprisings from August 1919 to July 1921. The direct cause of the outbreak of the uprising was the massacre of miners from the “Mysłowice” mine, who demanded overdue payments. Conference of Ambassadors in Paris decided to divide Silesia in a way that would be more beneficial for Poland.  Due to the Allies’ decision, the regions of Opole, and therefore, th

e Koźle Region as well, were given to the Germans.  

Saint Anne's Mountain

 On a trip to Mount St. Anna, we saw our national heritage. St. Anny is a village in the Opole voivodeship, important for Polish history. There is a monument dedicated to the insurgents who defended their village against the Germans in the Third Silesian Uprising. There is also an amphitheater built in the 20th century, and on the top of the mountain there is a 15th-century baroque church, which is dedicated to Saint Anne.

środa, 21 września 2022

Gliwice Radio Station

 Gliwice Radio Station - a radio station complex consisting of three buildings and a wooden transmitting mast entered in the register of immovable monuments of the Silesian Voivodeship and on the list of historical monuments. There is not a single steel nail in the structure. According to current knowledge of wood conservation methods, the tower's lifespan is still estimated at around 15-20 years. The Gliwice radio station was established in 1935. The antenna tower was built by Lorenz A.G. from Berlin-Tempelhof. After the war, the radio station was used by the Polish Post, Telegraph and Telephone. It broadcasted the programme of the Polish Radio Katowice and jammed the waves of Radio Free Europe. In 1956, production of broadcasting equipment began on the radio station site. In 2002 the property was taken over by the local government of Gliwice, which three years later handed the radio station site over to the management of the Gliwice Museum. It is now a branch of that museum: Museum of Radio History and Media Arts - Radio Station Gliwice. The tower is still operational today and serves communicational  purposes.

niedziela, 9 czerwca 2019

lekcja otwarta - program Aktywna Tablica

3 czerwca 2019r. miałam przyjemność prowadzić lekcję otwartą w programie Aktywna Tablica. Oto scenariusz tej lekcji wraz z linkami do gier, które stworzyłam.
1. Powitanie, sprawdzenie obecności , podanie tematu: "Man's best friend".
2. Krótka dyskusja na temat psów, ich ras i ćwiczenie pierwsze z karty pracy, którą stanowiła strona 91 ćwiczeń do Teen Explorer 8 wydawnictwa Nowa Era. Korzystamy z podręczników Teen Explorer, a ćwiczenia wydawnictwo udostępnia w zakładce dlanauczyciela.
3. Powtórzenie słownictwa poznanego wcześniej, gra z przymiotnikami: https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=16ec86f3-c15b-4e17-83a4-64da6f193c72
4. Film Nowe Ery o psach i dwa kolejne ćwiczenia do filmu z karty pracy.
5. Podsumowanie filmu - uczniowie wpisują odpowiednie słowa do tekstu, następnie do tych słów dobieramy synonimy. Ćwiczymy następujące sekwencje: słowo, synonim, tłumaczenie.
6. Gra stworzona do poprzedniego ćwiczenia, aby jeszcze bardziej utrwalić słownictwo. Ponieważ aplikacja kahoot wprowadziła nowy typ ćwiczeń pozwoliłam sobie utrudnić ćwiczenie, podając sekwencje 4 słówek, a zadaniem uczniów było ułożyć synonimy lub tłumaczenia w odpowiedniej kolejności. Polecam ten rodzaj ćwiczeń, jest to świetna odmiana i niezła gratka dla ambitnych. Link do gry tutaj: https://play.kahoot.it/#/?quizId=16ec86f3-c15b-4e17-83a4-64da6f193c72
7. Podsumowanie lekcji.
Chciałabym bardzo podziękować gościom, nauczycielkom z naszej szkoły oraz innych szkół biorących udział w Programie, którzy wzięli udział w naszej lekcji, a słowa "wzięli udział" można potraktować dosłownie: na 45 minut nauczyciele przyjęli role uczniów, rozwiązując wszystkie zadania i grając w obie gry. Dziękuję również klasie 8b, która zdawała się dobrze bawić - ucząc się:) O to właśnie chodzi w nauce.

piątek, 21 kwietnia 2017

Happy Birthday Her Majesty!


What happens during Trooping the Colour?

Once The Queen has arrived at Horse Guard's Parade in Whitehall, she is greeted by a Royal salute and carries out an inspection of the troops, who are fully trained and operational soldiers wearing the ceremonial uniform of red tunics and bearskin hats.
The Queen used to attend on horseback herself, but in recent years has travelled by carriage.
After the military bands have performed, the escorted Regimental Colour, or flag, is processed down the ranks of soldiers. Over one hundred words of command are used by the Officer in Command of the Parade to direct the several hundred soldiers.
Once the Foot Guards have marched past The Queen, she rides back to Buckingham Palace at the head of the soldiers, before taking the salute again at the Palace from a dais. 
Her Majesty is then joined by other Members of the Royal Family on the balcony at Buckingham Palace to watch a fly-past by the Royal Air Force. A 41-gun salute is also fired in Green Park to mark the occasion. 

czwartek, 6 kwietnia 2017

the end of a beautiful story?

the end of Celia and Jose's stay is near, but is it the end of the story? Sure it isn't!
Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and indoor

poniedziałek, 27 marca 2017

środa, 15 marca 2017

Civics with Nathan

once a month we have classes with an Australian native speaker Nathan, who talks about Australian real life

sobota, 25 lutego 2017

wycieczka do Londynu... online

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania london

all you need to do is click

sobota, 18 lutego 2017

Adjectives for everyone:)

Just read the article, learn the expressions from the exercise and come on Thursday to tell me all about them:)
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania the best

sobota, 11 lutego 2017


How many SEVEN collocations and words connetcte with SEVEN do you know in English?
Learn seven of them and get a plus, learn twice as much and get 6!
Where? Here:)
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania seven

sobota, 4 lutego 2017

Learning styles

Do you remember our debate on the learning styles?
Now you can check your own style and learn some vocabulary at the same time. And if you know all the words from the board, come at additional English classes, tell me all about them and get 6:)
The link to the video is here.

sobota, 28 stycznia 2017

a simple lesson for the first grade

Witam klasy 1c i 1a:)
Jeśli macie ochotę możecie obejrzeć krótki film o WHO questions, rozwiązać quiz pod filmem i przyjść na pogotowie edukacyjne, rozwiązać go jeszcze raz i zdobyć szóstkę!
Wystarczy kliknąć tutaj:)
Podobny obraz

sobota, 21 stycznia 2017

Donald Trump - the new POTUS

If you missed the inauguration of new POTUS Donald Trump, you can read about it and see some highlights form his inaugural speech here 

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania trump president inauguration official

a pierwsza osoba, która napisze w mailu na librusie jak nazywa się pan obok nowego prezydenta zdobędzie szóstkę z angielskiego lub wosu:)

niedziela, 30 października 2016

changing time

We have just  gone back an hour from  Summer Time to Greenwich Mean Time. If you want to read about the Big Ben, go ahead



niedziela, 16 października 2016

goEnglish with H2O in Kiczyce - spare time

Playing uno with the teachers - Aleksandra Zając, Urszula Michta and Izabella Dobrowolska. Thanks for joing us girls and takig care of 2b:)

We had a really great time, during activities with H2O native speakers and our animator - Krzysiek Jastrzębski, the best animator ever, as well as in our spare time:)

The winner to be:)

goEnglish with H2O Kiczyce Day 3

Irish day
The Lesson with Tori

Creating posters about Ireland (you can see one of them in 46:)

quiz -  English speaking countries

the winning team:)

GH2Oetting our certificates:)

goEnglish with H2O Kiczyce day 2

Australia and New Zealand

early in the morning, after the meditation by the lake and  great breakfast - singing activity with John

 New Zealand with Tori

 The Lord Of the Ring evening competition
- activity 1

 activity 2

the treat

 activity 3

 activity 4

activity 5

 the winning team:)